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A Hyena Hangout The Elephant Graveyard. Fantastic colour scheme, lovely decor, and highly reccomended if you're into singing. Shame about the lack of 'yenas.
Vitani and Nuka "Yeecch. This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off."
Nuka on Thin Ice [Nuka's Mind]: Man, she is hot!
[Vitani's Mind]: He has been staring at me like that ALL journey. If he keeps it up, it's not termites he's got to worry about.
Vitani the Wise The level-headed Vitani seems at home in the hyenas' old grounds, what with her bravery and fearlessness...
Nuka the Frightened ... quite the opposite to her brother.
PHOOM! Nuka also happens to have rather slow reflexes which are easy to spot in situations such as having his tail burned.
Chargrilled Kitty "Yaaah!"
Sheesh [Vitani's Mind]: Sheesh... How did I get stuck with a comic relief character?
Oh Well [Vitani's Mind]: Oh well, I guess I'll just have to have some fun with one of the lionesses when I get back tonight.
Oh Goody Vitani likes fire. How unfortunate for her siblings. And anyone who goes near her.
Fire [Nuka's Mind]: Ooh, fire...
Move Quickly "That's it! Now come on... Kiara has started her hunt. We have to move quickly."
Curiousity Killed the Comic Relief [Vitani's Mind]: What is that idiot of a brother doing?
[Nuka's Mind]: Hmm, I wonder what's down there...
What's That? [Nuka's Mind]: Hey, I think I can see something shiny down there. I think it's moving, I can't tell just yet-
High Temperature? I love watching Nuka get burned, over and over again. Then some more.
Bounding Off "Oooh! Fire!"
Timon Sniffs Timon sniffs about for the huntress, assisted by his flatulent assistant Pumbaa.
Against the Tree Hiding in the least obvious place (IE, in the middle of the savannah behind a lone tree) with the least obvious body parts (IE, a tail and a large belly) sticking out.
Hup! Rather unrealistic, yet amusing demonstration of their prowess in stealth.
Scouting for Kiara A vigilant warthog and a wise-cracking meerkat - the best Simba can send? I doubt it.
Improvised Binoculars Nothing helps magnify your vision like using your paws!
Target Spotted "Ah hah..."
Undeterred Not deterred by her recent lack of success, Kiara sets her sights on the next herd she come across.
Taking Notice She even manages to take note of a rock that, if knocked over, could give away her position to the entire herd!
Confident So she confidently strolls further, determined to make her first kill today and become a true lioness...
Oops ... and totally forgets about the rock, knocking it over with her right hindpaw as she prowls on.
Honestly... I always crack up at this still, perhaps due to the fact it looks like they have been watching her for the past five minutes to see how close she can get without screwing it up.
Stampede! Has anyone else noticed the patch of ground to the right of Kiara's rock, where she could have chosen to stalk in and avoid worrying about rocks?
Lordosis Is it me or does she look like she's presenting? Though I would do the same if I were in an area frequented upon by Simba, Nala, Sarafina, Kovu, and Vitani...
Chase As loathe as I am to say it, she hasn't a chance.
Busa Busa le lizwe bo, Busa le lizwe bo... Kiara clearly doesn't possess her father's stamina.
The Future's Bright The future's bright. The future's full of wildebeest. (Furs outside the UK probably won't get the reference)
Escaped! [Nala]: Simba! Stampede in the savannah! Timon and Pumbaa's down there!
[Simba and Nala]: Woohoo! Let's party!
Deer and Antelope "This must be where the deer and the antelope play!"
Scarier than a Stampede "AAAGH!"
You're So Dead "Timon... what are you doing here?"
Shopping "Uh... shopping! We thought a nice pelt for the den... some throw pillows, a little potpourri..."
He Lied! "My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own - he lied!""
Do It My Way "I should have known he'd never give me a real chance. I'll do this on my own. Away from the Pride Lands!"
Escaped! "Hey! Wait! Come back! Oh... who can keep track of her?"

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