
The Lion King ® is a registered trademark of Walt Disney Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. All images, sounds, and characters depicted therein which are included on this page are copyright © 1994-2004 the Walt Disney Company, except for those which are explicitly designated as original creative works by fans of the movie and those located on webpages that are explicitely designated as otherwise. All lyrics included here are copyright © 1994-2004 Walt Disney Music Company (ASCAP). No profit is made from this website, nor is it an attempt to infringe upon the copyright.

Use of any material (including characters and text) that have been designed or written by myself may be used with prior permission. This can be done by sending a copy of your work (or request) to my email address as listed in the Contact Me page on this site.

“Chronicles of the Pride Lands” is an original copyrighted work by John Burkitt and David Morris, based on Disney’s feature film “The Lion King” and its sequel “Simba’s Pride.”

The characters Balana, Karove, Khairi, Kizingo, Kori, Kousho, Nabana, Nonceba, and Tangaza are not characters of my creation and have been depicted with their creators' permission.

Vikali, the Kupotea, and all related characters that are not explicitly the creation of Disney or otherwise are © 2007-2010 myself.