Posted by: Faith Carpenter (
Date: Oct. 14, 2002
The other day, I was at my youth group, Youth Quake Live, and we were talking about the story of Job. Our youth leader gave an example with a certain movie. "Has anyone seen Lion King?" he asked. (What a weird question!) I immediately whooped and raised my fist in the air. Some kid in the back shouted "Lion King rocks!" I turned toward him, mouthing "YEAH!" with my fist still in the air. Anyway, our leader used Simba as a reference to Job. When God finally started straightening Job out, Job kinda shrinks to the ground thinking "Oops." Our leader matched that with when the stampede pours over the hill and Simba's ears drop. Sweet, huh? And ALAS! After 8 whole years, TLK still lives! WOO-HOO!